Cost Tracking & Change Management(1)

Cost Tracking & Change Management

Tracking costs and managing change in refinery turnarounds can be one of the most challenging aspects of the process. Without the right tools, costs can spiral out of control, and small changes can lead to large overruns. EZTRAK’s cloud-based solution brings precision to cost tracking, providing real-time insights into where your turnaround budget is being spent.

At EZTRAK, we ensure that every dollar spent is accounted for, whether it’s material, labor, or unexpected changes. Our software enables executives to make informed decisions quickly, keeping turnarounds on budget and on schedule. EZTRAK’s change management tools also ensure that any scope changes are tracked and approved, avoiding costly mistakes and rework.

Want to take control of your turnaround costs? Book a demo today to learn how EZTRAK can help you better track costs and manage changes for a more efficient and profitable turnaround.

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